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Board of Ministry
For those pursuing a call into vocational ministry, our Board of Ministry provides guidance and standards for your journey.
The Board of Ministry consists of over twenty ordained ministers in the East Ohio District Church of the Nazarene to set standards, encourage growth and education for the journey of vocational ministry, and to recommend called people to the District Assembly to be licensed or ordained.
Registration of Call to Ministry (submit to local church board)
Verification of Credential History (submit to the District Office)
Background Check Authorization (submit to the District Office)
*If previously divorced, please contact the District Secretary for further steps to remove the divorce as a barrier in accordance with Manual paragraph 532.1.
For a complete list of available resources and instructions, click here.
If your local church grants you a local license, congratulations! We are excited for your faithfulness to answering the call and displaying the beginnings of the gifts and graces for vocational ministry. To understand the journey you are beginning and much of what it entails, read and review these documents with your pastor. You are also required to attend our Ministry Discovery Assessment Conference before being eligible for a District License. Please contact our MDAC director for more information.
Guide to Ministerial Preparation and Education
East Ohio Educational Standards and Policies
Beginning the Journey
The beginning of the journey to ordained ministry is with the local congregation. The locally licensed minister's character, privileges, and responsibilities are detailed in the Manual paragraph 531. After sharing your call with the local board, they will consider giving you a local minister's license. The following forms should be completed*:
District Licensed Ministry
After meeting the qualifications of Manual paragraph 532.1, a local licensed minister may apply to be a district licensed minister. The character, privileges, and responsibilities of the district licensed minister is detailed in Manual paragraph 532. The following forms are to be submitted annually to the Board of Ministry for consideration. The candidate will be interviewed by the Board of Ministry. After review, the Board will decide to recommend to the District Assembly.
Recommendation to the District Assembly
Submitted by Ordained Local Pastor or DAB (if appointed)
District Minister Application
Submitted by Candidate to District Secretary
District Minister Annual Report (renewal only)
Submitted by Candidate to District Secretary
Ordained Ministry
After meeting the qualifications for ordained ministry as an elder or deacon as detailed in Manual paragraphs 533 and 534 respectively, a district licensed minister may apply to be an ordained minister. The following forms to apply for ordination are to be submitted to the Board of Ministry for consideration. The candidate and spouse will be interviewed and considered by the Board for recommendation to the District Assembly and presiding General Superintendent.
Ordination Application and Questionnaire
Submitted by Candidate to District Secretary
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